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Artificial intelligence is a highly potent technology that has revolutionized the world. As AI continues to gain traction, it's only natural that content management systems (CMS) like Drupal will integrate with this technology. CMS like Drupal can leverage AI-powered tools to provide more personalized content. AI is serving as an empowering center for smart data-driven decision-making, automation, enhancing customer experience, minimizing human errors, and analyzing upcoming trends. If we look into the current state of affairs, artificial intelligence is slithering into the world of content management as well. Experts believe that the future of AI is that it will get so deeply embedded into content management that everything will be driven by it.
Tracking customer behavior, content personalization, automatic image tagging, and extensive assistance in content generation are some domains where AI has already become indispensable. As a farsighted entrepreneur, you might be pondering over what new horizons AI will explore in the near future. But, before we dive into that, let’s explore where AI stands today with respect to content management.
How the Glitter of AI Shines Through Today’s Smart Content Management Systems
Content personalization
According to research, 91% of consumers prefer to shop with brands that provide offers and product recommendations personalized only for them. From this data, it is evident how deeply personalization has seeped into our hearts. But, do you ever wonder what is behind all this? The answer is one of the most remarkable technologies ever: artificial intelligence. This phenomenal technology has made wide-scale personalization possible through its ability to track people’s behavioral patterns. For instance, whenever a customer explores an AI-supported e-commerce website, their data is used to predict their future requirements and expectations.
Consequently, rendering personalized suggestions and offers has become a piece of cake for marketing teams. Even social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have leveraged AI-powered CMS to endow users with intriguing content based on their past engagement. All in all, AI has brought monumental changes in how websites interact with people and cater to their needs. Experts believe that the future of AI holds promise for more personal, customized, and human experiences through all channels.
Voice-assistance services
Al-based voice-assistance services such as Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa, and Cortana have taken the world to a whole new sphere of technological revolution. If you have interacted with any of these, you already know the magical spell they cast on you. It doesn’t matter whether you are an adult or a child, these voice-assisted services captivate your heart without fail.
Today, advanced CMSs such as Drupal render voice-assisted search and services that simplify the lives of users to a great extent. If you are planning to integrate a CMS into your website, opting for a futuristic AI-powered CMS like Drupal is unarguably the best choice to make.
Automatic image recognition and tagging
If you have hands-on experience with the process of image tagging, you are already aware of how taxing it can be. Analyzing images, making the most accurate interpretations, and embedding highly searched relevant keywords, are all laborious tasks. Initially, employees would grumble about the challenging process, but today, AI-based image recognition and tagging have made things hassle-free for them. Cutting-edge artificial intelligence tools have the potential to accurately recognize images within a blink of an eye.
This implies that you no longer have to get yourself into the keywording spectrum. AI-image detection can recognize what an image is all about and suggest the most appropriate keywords to you. Isn’t it fascinating? All your image-tagging worries evaporated in a second! A majority of cutting-edge CMSs like Drupal are already equipped with this ingenious AI-ability. Integrating them into your website especially if you run an e-commerce website with truckloads of images can bring you a huge relief.
Smart AI-powered content generation
Artificial intelligence is gradually evolving into a sophisticated content-generation tool. No doubt, in the present situation, producing original content remains a far cry for AI systems, but experts suggest that it is not too far away when AI will overcome this limitation too. Till it happens, this cutting-edge technology deserves praise for accelerating the content generation process to a great extent with whatever it is currently capable of.
Video and audio transcription, content translation, and grammar checking and editing have become a piece of cake with smart AI tools. For instance, a majority of organizations have tapped into the enormous potential of Grammarly (the AI-based tool) to produce grammatically correct content. Gone are the days when editors had to spend hours meticulously proofreading content to ensure the usage of correct grammar. Today, Grammarly has simplified things for them.
Natural Language Processing based text intelligence
Ensuring your content captivates your target audience’s hearts and doesn’t offend them at any cost is quite a task in itself. It calls for a discerning mindset and conscientious efforts. However, with the advancements in AI, you no longer have to worry about all these considerations. Advanced AI tools are capable of analyzing your content, its tone, and sentiments with respect to your target audience.
Given that, all the discerning aspects are taken care of by these smart AI tools. Language detection, sentiment analysis, profanity analysis everything is handled by this phenomenal technology. If you are pondering over how did these tools develop such capabilities? The answer lies in Natural Language Processing. It equips these intelligent systems with the power to comprehend human language and the underlying sentiments. So, seize the opportunity today and equip your content team with AI capabilities for thriving success.
After reflecting upon the present-day state of Artificial Intelligence, it’s time for us to dive into the future of AI. Are you filled with a spirit of enthusiasm to undertake the journey? Then why wait, let’s proceed.
The Glorious Future of AI Embedded CMS and the Web
Seamless integration and interaction with other AI devices
The future of artificial intelligence indicates that it will transcend all its current limitations when it comes to interacting with other AI-powered devices. Currently, only voice-activated devices possess the unfathomable potential to integrate and interact with other AI devices. However, experts suggest that in the near future, AI-powered CMSs and other systems will also boast this ability. What does this mean?
Artificial intelligence will reach a whole new dimension where it will be able to play with user interface and user experience too. Are you pondering over the outcomes this will produce? To your glee, one of the best things you will witness is customer satisfaction reaching its pinnacle. Imagine the heights of success your business will achieve if your customers are 100% content with their experience with you.
Cutting-edge data analytics
As AI begins to explore new avenues with respect to data analytics, a time will come when your CMS will be able to accurately forecast the content types with the most conversion rates. This will give you insights into what exactly the consumers are looking for, what captivates their hearts, and what drives them to respond to the call to action. Having all this data in your hands will mean that you’ll develop the potential to pitch content with the highest conversion rates of all time! Seems fascinating, doesn’t it?
Escalated management of digital assets
Initially, AI limited its viability to automated image tagging and categorization when it comes to digital asset management. Artificial Intelligence experts dreamt of expanding its viability to processes such as identifying the most replayed parts and the most effective content within videos. Today, they have actualized their dream and YouTube’s ‘Most Replayed’ feature was conceived by this AI advancement only.
Besides, we can also leverage the power of AI to search for words, particular facts, and things within a video. As the spiral of time moves forward, this AI capability is expected to reach a whole new dimension with incredible improvements. An intriguing prophecy indicates that AI will become capable of original video-to-text transcription without human interference.
Real-time and accurate SEO recommendations
Search Engine Optimization is quite challenging and time-consuming. It requires tremendous effort to make your website rank on the first page of search engines. After all, SEO tactics are transient. They continue to change time and again. But, you have to swallow the bitter pill of persistent SEO efforts to reap the enormous fruits of ranking among the most eminent websites in the world. The good news is that as AI develops into a more sophisticated system, it will rid you of manual SEO too.
According to experts, the future of AI promises real-time SEO recommendations where it will analyze your content and tell you what’s working and what isn’t. What you should continue doing and what you shouldn’t. Its advanced capabilities will also enable it to plunge into your competitors’ websites, identify where you stand against them, and what creates the difference. Once you invest in an AI-empowered advanced CMS with such capabilities, you’ll see immediate payoffs.
Artificial Intelligence has started transforming the arena of content management and the web. Voice-assistance services, text intelligence, and automatic image tagging are its incredible gifts to the modern world. Cutting-edge CMS like Drupal are already equipped with these advanced AI features. If you aspire to integrate Drupal with your existing website, LN Webworks, a leading Drupal web development company is your go to place.
Further, with time as AI continues to evolve further, the future of AI promises dreamlike capabilities for CMSs. Soon, your CMS will rid your content management team of a majority of its responsibilities. They’ll only be required to monitor what’s happening, and the magic of AI will make everything happen on its own in a hassle-free manner. Real-time accurate SEO recommendations, advanced data analytics, and seamless interaction with other AI devices are some AI features to lay eyes upon in the future.
In order to supersede all your competitors in terms of content management, it is time for you to act now. Start exploring the AI capabilities of different CMSs available today and pick up the most advanced AI-powered CMS for your website. The top-notch AI-based CMS today will most likely be the most advanced in the times to come too. After all, evolving further is effortless when you are already at the latest stage of advancements. Choose LN Webworks to unlock the full potential of AI in your content management strategy.
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Author Information

Pankaj Kumar
Co-Founder & Managing DirectorPankaj is a Senior UI/UX specialist with more than ten years of industry experience who focuses on usability, user experience, and user research in his designs. He has worked with small and large teams, including management of LN Webworks Organization.
Maximize Your Website's Potential with AI-Integrated CMS
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