Did you know that out of the 117 domains of the UN and World Bank organizations, 78 rely on Drupal? Seems fascinating, doesn’t it? With its ingenious features, Drupal validated its worth and earned the trust of a majority of the prestigious organizations in the world. It established itself as the leading content management system long ago and continues to maintain its stature even today. If you are getting inclined towards Drupal Web Services too, you might wish to analyze the websites it already supports to make an informed decision.
Here, we have curated a list of the major United Nations and World Bank websites that have tapped into Drupal’s unfathomable support. You can visit these websites, examine their functioning, and decide whether Drupal will be the right choice for your website. However, before you begin your journey of exploring these sites, it’s time to disclose the prophecy we have made. You’ll be so captivated by Drupal’s incredible performance that you’ll want to switch to it just after visiting one or two of the following websites.
United Nations (UN):

The United Nations (UN) is one of the most eminent international organizations in the world. It was established on October 24, 1945, to shoulder the responsibilities of maintaining world peace, security, and friendly relations between different countries across the globe. Whenever two or more countries enter into a dispute, the United Nations acts as the mediator and prevents war-like situations at any cost. The UN also focuses on ensuring equal human rights, solving humanitarian problems, and eradicating terrorism. Its principal organs include the General Assembly, the International Court of Justice, the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, the Economic and Social Council, and the Secretariat.
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat):

As the name suggests, United Nations Human Settlements Programme is the United Nations agency that deals with human settlements. The main aim of the organization is to provide proper shelter for all human beings across the globe. According to statistics, more than 1 billion people live in slum areas throughout the world. They lack basic amenities such as hygienic food, clean water, and washrooms. This is one of the most pressing issues that demand our attention today, and the UN-Habitat has taken the pledge to eradicate it at the earliest.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP):

UNDP is the development agency of the United Nations. It was established on November 22, 1965. Its headquarters are located in New York, US. The main focus of UNDP is to help countries achieve sustainable development goals. Eradicating poverty and inequality, and equipping countries with the means for thriving growth are also part of its mission. Its executive board comprises 36 countries that are also responsible for granting voluntary funds for UNDP’S missions. As of now, the organization is operating in more than 170 countries worldwide.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF):
UNICEF was established on December 11, 1946, to provide relief to children and mothers affected by World War II. It provided them with emergency food and healthcare services which proved instrumental in saving numerous precious lives worldwide. In 1953, the organization emerged as an integral part of the UN. Today, UNICEF is active in more than 190 countries and persistently works to save the lives of children through immunization, proper nutrition, and promoting education. Its tremendous efforts have brought a significant reduction in child mortality rates throughout the globe.
World Food Programme (WFP):

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, around 700 million people are affected by hunger in the world. This is extremely saddening, but gladly organizations like the World Food Programme are striving to eradicate hunger with their ingenious initiatives. It is active in 120 most vulnerable countries of the world. WFP takes pride in delivering food to the hungry through 5,600 trucks, 30 ships, and 100 planes daily. It all starts with the donations received by the organization, which are converted into food that saves people from starving.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP):
Keeping in mind the current state of global warming, pollution, and environmental degradation, it is high time we start restoring the health of our planet. Thanks to organizations like the United Nations Environment Programme, people are becoming conscious of the damage they are inflicting on the planet. This awareness has driven tremendous change and people are trying to opt for eco-friendly alternatives wherever possible. Besides, the UNEP is itself running multitudinous programs for saving the planet. Climate restoration, reduction in chemicals and pollution, conscious environmental governance, and sustainable development are some of them.
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA):

The UNFPA is the agency of the UN that focuses on the reproductive health of women, making every childbirth safe, eradicating gender-based violence, enhancing access to contraceptive methods, and eradicating child marriage. It was established in 1969 and strongly believes that every child, irrespective of their gender, has the right to fulfill their true potential without any hindrances. UNFPA’s efforts have successfully prevented many maternal deaths worldwide, enhanced gender equality, and saved the lives of little children.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO):
UNESCO aspires to slew the tendencies for initiating wars by promoting world peace through international cooperation in education, sciences, culture, communication, and information. Hence, it develops educational tools that inspire people to get over the divisions of borders and live as global citizens. UNESCO makes persistent efforts to sow the seeds of love in the hearts of all human beings in a way that they eradicate all the weeds of hate that exist.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO):
As the name suggests, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) aims to promote industrial development throughout the globe. You may wonder why this international organization is pursuing this aim. The answer to this question is that industrialization has the potential to eliminate poverty, enhance inclusive globalization, and promote environmental sustainability. As of now, 171 countries have joined hands with UNIDO. The US, India, Peru, Nigeria, Norway, Malaysia, Madagascar, Afghanistan, Thailand, and the Philippines are some of them.
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO):

Safe tourism is an indispensable need in modern times. The World Tourism Organization strives to make it possible with its ingenious projects and plans. It also focuses on making tourism universally accessible. If you are pondering over why the world needs an international organization for regulating affairs related to tourism, the answer is that tourism drives economic growth. It plays a vital role in regulating the world economy. Besides, a global body is required to create and implement international tourism ethics. UNWTO takes care of all these affairs and makes international tourism hassle-free.
Peacebuilding Commission:
The chaos created by disputes and wars between countries leads to the loss of precious lives, resources, and the health of the planet. This makes global peace unarguably the most important subject the world needs to focus on. The Peacebuilding Commission is a UN body that serves as a mediator between conflict-affected countries and tries to resolve matters peacefully. Due to the conscientious efforts of the Peacebuilding Commission, numerous war-like situations have been averted.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO):
The WMO is a United Nations agency with its headquarters located in Geneva. It focuses on climate and weather, geophysical sciences, and operational hydrology. By monitoring the Earth’s systems, it circulates crucial weather and climate information worldwide to safeguard lives and infrastructure from environmental calamities. Besides focusing on natural disaster reduction, WMO also works on mitigating climate change by implementing respective policies.
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID):
Rapid globalization gave people the power to make international investments. But, this freedom came with its own challenges. Sometimes, disputes arise between international investors, countries, or states. To resolve these disputes, a legal body was required, and hence, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes came into existence in 1966.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA):
Nuclear energy can be a source of useful power but at the same time, it can also be disastrous. Nuclear weapons possess the potential to cause massive destruction, wiping out an entire city or country at a time. Japan’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still battling with the grave consequences of the 1945 atomic bombing. As many countries in the world have devised their own nuclear weapons, IAEA acts as a regulatory body to promote peace and prohibit the use of these weapons. It ensures no unsafe use of nuclear power takes place at any cost.
International Trade Centre (ITC):

The International Trade Centre aims to beacon small and medium-sized businesses from developing countries to attain thriving success. Hence, it offers practical training to equip them with the desired skills. Its website is loaded with various projects and content types that offer holistic learning to all types of businesses from farming to tech startups. ITC e-library also renders valuable insights related to international trade. The provision of tailored support to budding startups which is in alignment with the national objectives of their country of origin is another great initiative of this organization.
A majority of United Nations and World Bank organizations have tapped into the unmatchable potential of Drupal to power their websites. The United Nations, International Trade Centre, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, and World Tourism Organization are some of them. If these prestigious organizations have invested in Drupal, there must be something extraordinary about this software. Seamless mobile compatibility, responsive design, cutting-edge cyber security tools, and a multilingual interface are some of its most impressive features.
You can visit any of the websites listed above to experience the unparalleled user experience offered by Drupal. If the experience drives you to switch to Drupal without any further delays, LN Webworks, an eminent Drupal web development company, can help you with your endeavors. It can offer you valuable assistance and ensure that your website supersedes all its competitors. Wish you All the Best.